Easy SmileyPack for Blackberry
Masih kekurangan emoticon yang ada di Blackberry? nah app ini sangat cocok ditabahkan ke Smiley Blackberry anda. apalagi saat ini, app world yang mengeluarknanya berbentuk Beta. adapun kegunaan Easy SmileyPack ini yaitu
* 630+ Smileys, flags, and ASCII art images in total now
* 250+ Smileys
* 210+ new country flags added
* 150+ ASCII art images added
* BlackBerry® Messenger status customization
* Digit to digit box translation
* Plugs into BlackBerry® Messenger
* Complete instructions
* BlackBerry® Messenger can be launched out of application
* Easy usage
* 250+ Smileys
* 210+ new country flags added
* 150+ ASCII art images added
* BlackBerry® Messenger status customization
* Digit to digit box translation
* Plugs into BlackBerry® Messenger
* Complete instructions
* BlackBerry® Messenger can be launched out of application
* Easy usage